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Work Samples:

A quick glance at some advertising, copywriting, branding, data research & reporting, and designing projects that I have worked on that display how my experience as a photographer has been applied to both my marketing creative work and strategic research.


Bud Light

Research & Data Analysis
on Brand Loyalty: May 2020

In my Marketing Research & Design course (MKT 443), Our research objective was to use customer feedback to improve brand loyalty by interpreting concrete data to quantify and measure abstract concepts.

We ​designed & conducted a survey that identified which product attributes and marketing efforts were most successful in retaining brand loyalty. We then proposed new marketing plans and strategies. Our Executive Summary (page 28-29) reports the following:

Brand Loyalty is most dependent on an increase in Customer Delight (not Customer Satisfaction). Customer Delight was found to be attributed to Involvement in the Brand and a positive Consumption Effect. 

Tama Sparkling Tea

Product Research & Consumer Analysis: December 2019

In my Marketing Intelligence & Communications course (MKT 343), we conducted a study which entailed compiling survey data, testing hypotheses, interpretting analytics and preparing a final report for the company owner. 

The project objective was to identify the target market and offer new marketing strategies backed by data and research. Our Executive Summary reports the following:


In order to increase sales and best appeal to the college-like demographic of the Wilmington area, resources would be best allocated by initiating a personal experience with Tama Sparkling Tea for the seemingly, “picky” consumer at their local grocer. In order to earn their brand loyalty, Tama Tea must inform this buyer that Tama Tea is the best naturally flavored beverage to fulfill their needs, especially considering the affordable price.

Virtual Market

Competitive AnalysisMay 2020

In my Marketing Strategy course (MKT 445), we analyzed a startup (B2B , SaaS) company's marketing strategies, identified major problems and opportunities facing management and proposed solutions with key proactive metrics (KPIs) to ensure our recommendations are progressing as expected.

In this project, I first honed in on the "Business Basics" such as a 5C's Analysis, Porter's Five Forces [Appendix: Exhibits D & E], Perceptual Mapping using a Similarity Matrix [Appendix: Exhibits A & B]. Next, I focused on the "Segmenting, Targeting & Positioning" of the company by accessing their Target Markets and Brand Equity. I utilized the Keller Model to outline their Brand Equity [Appendix: Exhibits C]. Lastly, I collaborated with a colleague to propose final recommendations.


CD One Price Cleaners

Displayed on . . .
Billboard: Summer of 2014
Print Advertising

Arranged, lit and photographed the image displayed on billboards across the Chicagoland area. 

Screen Shot 2018-11-06 at 10.49.26

Soriano Financial

Website went live on . . .
December 2020 - Present

This website I set up for my mom's Tax Preparation Services and it has been extremely helpful in saving her from time by...

- managing her 400+ clients 

- allowing clients to book online

- automated reminder emails

- a platform to hold FAQ answers

- new customers can search and find her services

Screen Shot 2019-01-08 at 6.39.27 PM.png

Mind Candy Co

Website went live on . . .
November 28, 2019 - Present

Not only am I most proud of this website because it showcases my very own company but also because it is the first website I created and designed completely by myself from scratch. 

What I love most about this site is how interactive and comprehensive it is for an abstract product.  

Soriano Photography

Displayed on . . .
Magazine Spread: January 2017
Print & Digital

I wrote, designed and created this magazine spread for my photography company using Adobe InDesign.

We use it as an interactive portfolio that showcases our work and can be left behind with engaged couples, venues and caterers. 

Soriano Photography

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Printed Flyers & Facebook Ad Posts

Here are a couple of flyers I assisted with designing for our company. We post flyers quite often in local businesses, shops and schools throughout the town to promote upcoming events.


Updated in . . .

We found it crucial to change our logo as part of our rebranding process, in order to give our company a new face. Because we are photographers, who depend on keeping up with technology and trends, we must maintain a consistent brand while also refreshing our image to reflect our ever-modernizing practice.

Photo logo 2.png
Displayed on . . .
PDF Download: Coming Soon
Print & Digital


I researched the content and created this "Ultimate Bar Exam Cheatsheet" as a guide for students studying for the bar exam.

This is a free resource given to students in exchange for their email. The purpose is to offer students much-needed, useful study advice and guidance with our branded material and also allows us to grow our email marketing list for future campaigns.





1920x1920 web blk on blue.png

I created multiple variations of the logo to be used in different situations where applicable. 

Brookfield = to promote location / local business

Website = an immediate call-to-action

Gym & Wellness Co = proper name for apparel, etc

Created in Canva

OBX blue on blk.png


Name, logo + colors

June 2021


As a "kickboxing+" gym, I wanted our name to capture the essence of everything we do in our gym. After running through many options and ideas, we landed on my proposal of "Outside the Box". 


Cyan blue #00E1FF and black #000000

Our colors resonate the feeling that our gym wants to give...

- the electric blue that energizes

- also calming and healing, 2 things that boxing isn't advertised as but definitely offers

- black offers a strong and sharp contrast which is what the gym offers opposed to a normal day

Website went live in . . .
August 2021

Building this website was such a fun opportunity to guide our customers' experience because it really gave me control over our brand image, message and set the experience expectations. 

This sets my trainers up for success by prompting customers to look forward to what they expect but they will still exceed those expectations.

This was a great way to bring my team's vision to life and really start seeing all the pieces come together.

Created in Wix

Social Media

Accounts started in . . .
August 2021

While I have ran social media accounts for companies before, I have seen tremendous growth and success with the OBX accounts as a result of doing more research and taking advantage of trends to optimize the algorithm. 

I hope to be in a position where I can learn even more and cultivate these skills. 

Instagram: OBXbrookfield

TikTok: OBXbrookfield

Facebook: OBX Gym and Wellness Co



Content Creation
all made between
August 2021- January 2022

Creating graphics and tangible promotion for our services has been a great way for me to show case our brand's personality and effectively portray information in an eye-catching and pleasing image.

I love being able to provide polished, professional graphics and print-outs for our local business.

Printed Materials

Content Creation
all made between
August 2021- January 2022

From coupons to schedules to pricing sheets to bingo cards, small businesses need tangibles to truly showcase our gym's value. 

I love being able to provide polished, professional graphics and print-outs for our local business.

OBX class schedule on blue (1)
first three free prints (1)
TREAT x4 (1)
free gifts from obx
survivor shirt back
TWS makeups (2)
gift certificate
Balanced Bodies (3)
group fitness instructors wanted (1)

Backend of Website went live in . . .
August 2021

Finding the right technology to manage your small business' clientele without spending a fortune can be tricky. I was able to maximize our Wix website to...

- check-in members' attendance for classes

- send email blasts to our entire CRM

- give our team a customer messaging system

- track membership sales

- allow customers to schedule their own classes

...all in one streamlined system

Member App

App for Member Use
launched August 2021

I built this app for our members so they could easily access all the value of their membership. Through their app, they can...

- schedule classes

- check for updates and pop-up events

- message our staff

- view workout history 

- make their own profile

...this makes our members truly feel like they are included and receiving top-notch service.



started using Square in August 2021

I set up our point-of-sale system so that we are equipped and to...

- track inventory

- automate recurring payments

- charge itemized sales

- report income

This is so handy for our small business and keeps our books organized and clean.

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